Jonny Peiffer’s Sojoy
The Adventures of Oliver Z. Wanderkook Listen now. Sojoy's latest album represents 10 years of working on the Wanderkook Project and corresponds with the debut of the theatrical production of the same name (see “Seacoast Jazz News” above). The recording is the official soundtrack of the stage show The Adventures of Oliver Z. Wanderkook about a fictional explorer’s epic journey to meet the Nine Tribes in the Land of the Two Suns. Personnel Jonny Peiffer, drummer/composer Matt Langley, saxes Eric Klaxton, alto Nick Mainella, tenor Zach Lange, trumpet Josh Gagnon, trombone Scott Kiefner, bass Live Performance New Hampshire Theatre Project presents Circulus’s production of Jonny Peiffer’s The Adventures of Oliver Z. Wanderkook at West End Studio Theatre, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Portsmouth Music and Arts Center June 16-25, 2017—Friday/Saturday at 7:30 pm, Sunday at 2:00 pm. Tickets are available on line at $25. |