Mike Guy, Publisher/Editor
Jennie Cutten, Proofreader Mike Guy and Jennie Cutten were born, raised and live Kittery, Maine. They operate an Elder Law office in Kittery. Jennie and Mike are lifelong lovers nearly of all genres of music and have enjoyed jazz in the Seacoast since the 1980s. They attend live music as often as possible. Mike has enjoyed listening to and collecting music at home for over 40 years. The music scene ebbs and flows in the Seacoast. We are very fortunate to have the quantity, quality and diversity of musicians in the area that we currently enjoy. On most any night, you can hear talented, well trained and disciplined players within a 20-minute drive. When you look at the reward our local jazz players receive for time they spend writing, arranging, practicing, preparing and performing for us it's clear they're not in it for the money. Jennie and Mike work to accurately report who's playing when and where. They also seek to provide some insight into who these local artists are and the work they do in a way that encourages new listeners locally and to jazz in general. |